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September 4, 2024

Bold design for the new Power China Chengde Spa

Designed by PEI Architects, the new Power China Chengde Spa is a bold, sculptural mass that marks the entrance to a new canyon development and is intended to be a centerpiece building for the site. The 6 story building is clad in dark stone and exposed architectural concrete to evoke the mysterious grotto like saunas of ancient bathhouses.

     At the lower Spa levels, the building is a solid sculpted mass intended to enhance the feeling of privacy and exclusivity for the sanctuary within. Further up the building, in the hotel levels, the solid façades of the base lighten and dematerialize with large glassy windows and open terraces facing the dramatic canyon hills.
     The entire building is lifted off the ground on its concrete structure to allow for a garden level spa that extends below the building and out into the landscaped garden facing the view. With its abundant landscaping underneath the building appears like a large floating vessel moored along the fertile banks of the adjacent creek. 


Chengde, China
Chengde International Health Resort
3,800 sq m
In design