Page 45 - Public Facilities 2016
P. 45


Estimate of construction cost of Three-runway System

Estimate in Hong Kong International Latest estimate of construction cost of
Airport Master Plan 2030 Three-runway System
In Q4 2010 dollars Money-of-the-day In Q4 2010 dollars Money-of-the-day
prices prices
construction HK$86.2 billion HK$136.2 billion HK$84.5 billion HK$141.5 billion
(As in December 2015)

Project overview support infrastructure, facilities and
The 3RS is more than a runway. It involves: utilities for 3RS operation.
• Reclamation of approximately 650
hectares of land north of the existing Estimated construction cost of 3RS
airport island (equivalent to 34 Victoria On December 2, 2015, Airport Authority
Parks, or 100 artificial islands for the Hong Kong (AA) announced the latest
New Wing of Hong Kong Convention cost for the 3RS as estimated by the AA
and Exhibition Centre), bounded by was HK$141.5 billion in MOD prices.
approximately 13.4 km of seawall. This estimate takes into account further
Non-dredge methods, including deep developments in the 3RSs design and
cement mixing technique will be used for the completion of Environmental Impact
reclamation. Assessment, and it takes references to the
• Building the Third Runway Passenger latest price adjustment factor released by
Building with more than 280,000 square the government on March 2014.
metres of floor area, a total of 57 new
parking positions (frontal: 34, remote: 23) Construction of 3RS commences
and an apron. On 26 April 2016, the Chief Executive-in-
• Building a 3,800-metre-long new runway Council granted the approval for the draft
and its supporting taxiway systems. Chek Lap Kok Outline Zoning Plan, as well
The existing north runway will also be as the authorisation of the reclamation under
reconfigured. the Foreshore and Sea-bed (Reclamations)
• Building a 2,600-metre-long new Ordinance for the expansion of HKIA into a
Automated People Mover (APM) system 3RS. An area of 1,640 hectares of foreshore
connecting Terminal 2 with the new and sea-bed in waters north of the airport
passenger building. This new APM system will be reclaimed. The works include:
travels at a top speed of 80km/h and formation of 650 hectares of land by ground
would take 2.5 minutes to travel from improvement and sea-bed filling; seawall
Terminal 2 to the new passenger building. construction; approach lights and beacons;
It can transport up to 10,800 passengers and diversion of one set of existing 11
per hour. kilovolt, six-km-long submarine cables.
• Building a new Baggage Handling System On 1 August 2016, AA kicked off the
(BHS) linking Terminal 2 with the new construction of HKIAs Three-runway
passenger building with a transport speed System. The eight-year construction of 3RS
of 25 to 36 km/h. The new system will is expected to be completed in 2024, with
be able to transport the first baggage the commissioning of the new runway in
to the luggage belt upon 20 minutes of 2022. The scale of works is similar to the
passengers arrival and the last baggage construction of a new airport.
within 40 minutes about the same To protect the environment, non-dredge
amount of time currently required. methods including deep cement mixing
• Expansion of the existing Terminal 2 will be adopted for land formation, while
into a full-service processing terminal the 3RS buildings will incorporate a range
and construction of an associated road of green and sustainable features in their
network. design, construction and operational
• Construction of other associated airport aspects.
(Source: Hong Kong Airport Authority)
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