Page 52 - Public Facilities 2016
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QBA 2016

Best building projects recognized at

Quality Building Award 2016

he QBA Grand Award Winners, Sr HUI Siu Wai. The entries demonstrated
Merit Winners, Finalists of QBA, and an incredible level of dedication, planning,
Twinner of the Quality Excellence teamwork and execution that goes into
Award were revealed at a ceremony on 24 these projects.
June 2016 at the JW Marriott Hotel Hong The Quality Building Award raised
Kong. Under the theme of New Horizons the benchmark and widened the quality
for Superiority, QBA 2016 received spectrum for excellent construction projects
extremely competitive and admirable in the Hong Kong building industry and
nominations. beyond, said QBA 2016 organising
The QBA Quality Excellence Award committee co-chairman, Cr CHUNG Koon
was presented to Hong Kongs PMQ as the Man.
project exhibiting the most outstanding These awards highlight the dedication
overall quality. The Quality Excellence of skilled individuals and companies, and
Award is the most prestigious QBA show just how much goes into creating an
distinction presented and is reserved for the exemplary building, added QBA 2016
best project among the QBA Grand Award organising committee co-chairman, Ir CHIN
Winners. Chi Keung, Cyras. It has been an honour
The competition level and overall and pleasure for all the committee members
quality of nominations were terrific this to take part in organising the 2016 QBA
year, said QBA 2016 jury panel chairman, presentation.

Mr Leung Chun Ying, Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR, was the guest of honour at the QBA 2016 award
presentation ceremony

Quality Excellence Award PMQ Hong Kong Residential (Single Building) Category
Grand Award Winner Harmony Place

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