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June 15, 2016

Stage 2 Public Engagement for the harbourfront enhancement proposals
The Planning Department launched the Stage 2 Public Engagement for the New Wan Chai North Point Harbourfront Urban Design Study to seek views on harbourfront enhancement proposals. The department said the proposals have been refined after considering views collected in the first stage public engagement exercise.
     Particular attention has been paid to maintaining local character and heritage, enhancing vibrancy, adopting a user friendly design, promoting pedestrian connectivity, addressing parking and loading and unloading requirements.
     The stage two engagement will last until August 20. Major activities include roving exhibitions, public workshops and consultations with District Councils.

The Wan Chai Development Phase II Study (WDII) completed in 2002 recommended further reclamation of land along the Wan Chai North and North Point coastline for the construction of the Central-Wan Chai Bypass (CWB). In the light of the Court of Final Appeal’s judgment on the reclamation in Victoria Harbour under the “Protection of the Harbour Ordinance” in 2004, the Town Planning Board requested for a review on the WDII proposals to minimize the reclamation. In association with the review, an extensive and in-depth 3-stage public engagement, namely, the “Harbourfront Enhancement Review – Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and Adjoining Areas” (HER) was held. The WDII Review was subsequently completed in 2007. Five character precincts were proposed. The landuse proposals, with the newly reclaimed area mainly planned for open space, leisure and recreational uses as well as commercial/retail uses in support of the waterfront activities, have been incorporated into the relevant statutory Outline Zoning Plans.

Overall context of Victoria Harbour (Source: HKSAR Government)