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August 12, 2019

Centre of Excellence set up

The Development Bureau's Centre of Excellence for Major Project Leaders (CoE) was established on July 22. Noting that a considerable number of capital works projects are in the pipeline, Mr Chan said they are a huge investment in Hong Kong’s future and the Government needs to ensure the resources are used as smartly, effectively and efficiently as possible.
    He encouraged the centre's participants to seize the opportunity to update themselves on state-of-art project management, leadership skills, as well as their mindset to bring the delivery of Hong Kong infrastructure to new heights and enhance the livelihood of citizens.
    As the first of its kind in Asia, the centre offers a high-level project management and leadership development programme to senior government officials to equip them with a more innovative mentality and world-class leadership skills to enhance their project delivery capability. The programme is also offered to construction leaders involved in public projects.
    The University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School was appointed Programme Director for the Major Projects Leadership Programme - the centre's first course. From August, separate cohorts will attend the 12-month programme to enhance the participants' capabilities to elevate the performance at major construction and public works projects.         
    Around 150 major project leaders will complete the programme in the coming three years. The government 
anticipates the centre will substantially benefit the implementation of public works projects.




