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October 1, 2012

Formulation of Long Term Housing Strategy
An inter-departmental Working Group chaired by Permanent Secretary for Transport & Housing (Housing) Duncan Pescod will support of the formulation of the Long Term Housing Strategy.
     The Transport & Housing Bureau said there will be a two-tier institutional framework for the strategy. A steering committee, chaired by Secretary for Transport & Housing Prof Anthony Cheung, and comprising key stakeholders from different sectors, will be established to have an overview and offer advice on various housing aspects and initiatives under the strategy.
     The inter-departmental working group, comprising relevant Government bureaus and departments, is set up under the committee. It will compile and examine relevant information, review housing and other relevant policies, and formulate appropriate options for the consideration of the steering committee. It will also follow up on any initiatives that may emerge from the strategy.
     The bureau said the steering committee will start work soon, and it anticipates that the work report and consultation document of the strategy will be published in the second half of next year.