Page 33 - Public Facilities 2016
P. 33


MTR is currently working on a number of major expansion projects to extend
the reach of Hong Kongs railway network by 25%.

Express Rail Link (XRL)
The Hong Kong Section of the Express
Rail Link runs from the terminus in West
Kowloon, heading north to the Shenzhen/
Hong Kong Boundary, where it connects
with the Mainland Section.
The Terminus is located to the north of
the West Kowloon Cultural District and will
be linked to Austin Station and Kowloon
Station by footbridges and subways. There
will be no intermediate stations in the
Hong Kong Section.
Total route length is approximately 26
km in Hong Kong using the conventional
high-speed railway with maximum
operating speed 200 km/h (Hong Kong
Section). The estimated journey time
between Hong Kong and Futian in
Shenzhen will be 14 minutes, and between
Hong Kong and Guangzhou South will
talk only 48 minutes. The estimated
project costs will be HK$84.42 billion
and completion is scheduled in the third
quarter of 2018.
Kwun Tong Line Extension
Construction of the Kwun Tong Line Tong Line, the alignment of Kwun Tong
Extension (KTE) commenced in 2011 and Line Extension will run from Yau Ma Tei to
is targeted for commissioning in October Whampoa with one intermediate station at
2016. The project extends the existing Ho Man Tin. Extending from the existing
Kwun Tong Line from Yau Ma Tei to overrun tunnel of Yau Ma Tei Station, the
Whampoa with an intermediate station line will run along Gascoigne Road and
to Ho Man Tin. The total route length is reach Ho Man Tin Station at the junction of
approximately 2.6 km and the estimated Fat Kwong Street and Chung Hau Street. It
journey time between Whampoa Station will then run through Chatham Road North
and Yau Ma Tei Station will be 5 minutes. and extend to the terminus Whampoa
As the extension of the existing Kwun Station beneath Tak On Street.

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