Page 20 - MacauBUILD No 1 2017
P. 20
More land for
constructing public housing
addition to commercial services. This not the application of information
only meets the needs of the inhabitants, technology; and to balance approval
but also answers the request of the society. and supervision. This ensures the
rational use of public resources while
The Economic Housing Law responding to the living needs of
MSAR Government executes the Economic inhabitants. In 2017, MSAR Government
Housing Law , effective in 2011, with a will focus on the revision of respective
new economic housing allocation system laws of social housing and will perform
to speed up the process for the awaiting an overall review on the legal system of
families with intake arrangement according economic housing.
to sequence. Responding to the request
for public housing, since 2013, the Formulation of long-term
economic housing application had been housing policy
launched twice, whereas the social housing Moreover, for the purpose of using
application had launched once. public housing resources rationally,
understand the housing need of different
Review of public housing legal system inhabitant segments and evaluate the
In order to adjust public housing practical necessity of public housing,
pol i c y i n a t i me l y m anner w hi l e the Government has engaged education
reflecting the practical situation, the and research organization to conduct
Government has started reviewing the research on the living situation of
public housing legal system, so as to Macau inhabitants. The report, expected
increase administrative efficiency by to be completed in 2017, will be a
optimizing the application, management reference for the formulation of long-
and allocation system; strengthen term housing policy.
20 澳門建築