SIBT, SSHT, PKC and SSOT 2024 open today
Promoting the development of smart spaces while encouraging business exchange

Golden Inner Bay planning initiative launched
The proposed GIB initiative covers an A-shaped area spanning 100 kilometres along the Pearl River Estuary

Bold design for the new Power China Chengde Spa
Designed by PEI Architects, the new Power China Chengde Spa is a bold, sculptural mass that marks the entrance to a new canyon development and is intended to be a centerpiece building for the site. The 6 story building is clad in dark stone and exposed architectural...

Hung Shui Kiu Station to commence construction this year
The Transport & Logistics Bureau has signed with the MTR Corporation (MTRC) the project agreement for HSK Station, construction of which is expected to commence this year for completion in 2030. The capital cost estimate for the project is about $6.639 billion in September 2024 prices

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